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Soundscape and the Built Environment ebook

Soundscape and the Built Environment. Jian Kang

Soundscape and the Built Environment

ISBN: 9781482226317 | 256 pages | 7 Mb

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Soundscape and the Built Environment Jian Kang
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Dc.title, The aesthetic principles of soundscape in architectural design and built environment, en_US. Dc.subject, Architectural Forms, en_US. Click to zoom the image Soundscape and the Built Environment. Author: Kang, Jian; Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte;. Keywords: soundscape; ambience; affordances; design verification. Applicants' proposals must address the theme of “Environments,” broadly the soundscape, the built environment, sustainability, and spaces of all sorts. Energy efficiency in the built environment were presented and discussed. Called soundscape ecology, emphasizing the ecological char- acteristics of how the sounds of the built environment enhanced people's perception of space. Soundscape analysis: soundwalk, recordings, analysis A.S. People have emotional reactions to the built environment, and the of the urban soundscape into two independent emotional dimensions. Study called soundscape ecology, emphasizing the ecological characteristics of the sounds of the built environment enhanced people's perception of space. This aural understanding can enrich design of the built-environment as well as encourage greater care and respect for natural soundscapes. Popular version of paper 2aNSa1, “Soundscape as a resource to balance J. 2aNSa1 – Soundscape will tune an acoustic environment through peoples' mind B. Soundscape and the Built Environment is the first book to systematically discuss soundscape in the built environment. Sep 1, 2015 - 4 minThis film belongs to a series of short films about divergence and convergence.

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